12manage Toolbar is a comprehensive toolbar that provides access to the 12manage website and useful information on different business areas like management, financing, marketing, to name but a few. The site is a management community, available in multiple languages, that allows you to stay in contact with other managers and access to valuable information on the subject. The toolbar provides access to multiple areas of the site and lots of extra content related to the subject in question. You will find an extensive dictionary covering hundreds of definitions organized alphabetically. There's also a business and a management encyclopedia that you can easily access from the toolbar searching by disciplines or content. You will also a find a list of management books, education FAQ, jargon, links, magazines, quotations, and overview. It also includes links to well-known news sites like CNN, BBC, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, to name but a few. Other useful tools are links to airports, calculators, converters, cultures, grammar, world clocks, etc. It also provides access to social sites like Facebook, Linkedin, etc., and includes the basic Conduit components like weather forecaster, email notifier, and pop-up blocker.
In short, 12manage Toolbar is a great toolbar that will provide lots of management content and a great variety of useful links that will surely get your attention.